World Habitat Day Commemoration 2023

Housing unit at Lukomera (Luwero) build with Interlocking Soil Stabilizing Blocks (ISSD) by Uganda Housing Cooperative Union. 

World Habitat Day is held on the first Monday of October and launches Urban October. The day centers around the global observance, which is held in a different country each year with keynote speakers and roundtable discussions focused on a specific theme.

On 2nd October 2023, the Global Observance of World Habitat Day 2023, under the theme “Resilient urban economies. Cities as drivers of growth and recovery”, looked at how cities can position their economies to benefit residents.

SSA Team Visit to the training Center for the Uganda Housing Cooperative Union

Shelter and Settlement Alternatives (SSA) held a field visit to some of the interventions had with Uganda Housing Cooperative Union (UHOCU) in Luwero relating to Alternative Building Technologies and Home Improvement.

And as a new board member together with other members of the organization, we attended and had a good learning experience with from our hosts.

Habitat Day 2023 Promotional Picture

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