5th National Heritage Awarding Ceremony,2023

Entertainers demonstrating their active role in heritage education through dance expression , apart largely appreciated by youth

One of the Awardee being recognised for their excellence in religious promotion and protection

CCFU hosted the 5th National Heritage Awarding Ceremony on Thursday, 25th May, 2023 during which individuals and Institutions that have made a significant contribution to promoting our heritage will be recognised.
Many cultural actors including religious and inter-faith institutions, academic institutions (libraries)  participated and were recognised for their effort in conservation of their intangible heritage as well as the tangible. Others were people whose literally works have been used for conservational purposes, for promotion of cultural exchanges and heritage education.
Partnerships in Heritage education and conservation

The Head of Delegation of the European Union, presiding over the National Heritage Awards

The ceremony ending with a cocktail at the (venue)  Ham Mukasa Historical Residence in Mengo, Kampala.
Networking in Cultural exchange

EU officer in charge of parties and corporations addressing media of her new role

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